Quality - Court Reporting
Our Philosophy - You need the proper tools to succeed.
Instructors, lesson plans, academics and dictation material. These are the tools you will be taking advantage of in the SimplySteno court reporting program. And each tool has been chosen specifically for this program based upon its level of performance.
Our instructors are either former court reporters, or have successfully passed the CRI (Court Reporting Instructor) program offered through the National Court Reporters Association. Because our program is so targeted, we have chosen to work with a small staff of instructors. Each instructor has been selected because they excel in their field. You can learn more about our staff in the About Us section.
Our dictation is provided by SpeedBuilders.com. Anyone who has used SpeedBuilders.com's dictation is familiar with the high-quality recordings and challenging material.
The academics and lesson plans have been assembled by working reporters and instructors. Our goal is to have you writing with confidence!
Our Brief Machine has a database of over 700,000 brief outlines, assembled over the course of the last 10 years.
If you don't have the proper tools, presented in the proper manner, your speedbuilding program is not just slowing you down, it's standing in your way. The SimplySteno court reporting program provides only the finest tools available - our promise to you.
You simply cannot beat the value we provide.
"A little over 2 hours of my day and I feel like I learned more and got more accomplished then I ever have. Its amazing how you can go from writing 6 hours a day and be so bored, frustrated, and annoyed that you don't feel like you accomplished anything. Today I stayed hooked up for 2 hours and actually feel accomplished, satisfied, and eager to move forward. Even though the material was way more challenging, for the first time ever, I am actually looking forward to what tomorrow will bring. Yay!! I am so excited and thrilled that I trusted my gut instinct. Joining SimplySteno was the best decision I have ever made! I am so ready to climb to the top of that mountain!"