
Recent Updates!

8/8/14 - Added new dictations to the audio library - most of them ranging from 200-250 wpm!


5/22/14 - Added new tests into the mix. New speakers - more variety - keeping you on your toes!


1/20/14 - Adding "Speedbuilding Focus" files to each speed in the Audio Library.  They are about 20-30 minutes in length.  They are a single, 5-minute dictation that is broken down by minute - slower - then goal - then faster - then the entire dictation.  Great way to do some target practice on one dictation.


12/18/13 - We've added a CAT Software Training area! With teaching guides and videos for the 4 major CAT companies - Case CATalyst, Eclipse, DigitalCAT and Winner - it's a great place to learn your software.


11/11/13 - The EFT Video Series has been added. These EFT videos were designed by a certified hypnotherapist specifically for the SimplySteno Court Reporting Program.  They deal with Test Anxiety, Fear of Failure, Fear of Success and more! It's not all about the fingers - it's about the mind as well.


10/29/13 - Stretching videos added. These videos were designed by a certified yoga instructor specifically for court reporting students - specifically for the SimplySteno Court Reporting Program. Students sit for long periods of time, so it's important to keep the body in good position.


9/25/13 - A MAJOR overhaul in the lesson format! We've integrated the audio files directly into the lessons to save court reporting students time. Many students have jobs or family duties, so making the most of every second counts!


8/15/13 - Added LIVE classes to the SimplySteno program! With video integration, you can actually see your teacher - and they can see you! It's a great opportunity to get in some live readback and get instant feedback from your speedbuilding instructor.


7/5/13 - Added more sustained and pyramid dictations to the lessons in every speed! It's important to have variety - to mix things up - to keep you on your toes!


5/26/13 - Added 250 new dictations to the Audio Library - all different speeds and types - literary, jury charge, 2-voice. By this time next year, we'll be shooting for close to 3,000 dictations available for use by SimplySteno court reporting students!


3/12/13 - Updated the Brief Machine section. There are now over 700,000 brief suggestion in the database. Just type in your English word or phrase and get a brief idea (or several) on demand!


1/1/13 - SimplySteno is proud to be a sponsor for the upcoming documentary about the field of court reporting. It's important that everyone learns about this amazing occupation! Check out the documentary website - CourtReportingMovie - and make sure to like the Facebook page to get updates!

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