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This site and the links to the left will only work for current SimplySteno Plus students. To read and learn more about the SimplySteno Plus program, check out SimplySteno Court Reporting Program here. SimplySteno is a speedbuilding program. If you're new to court reporting, you will need to learn theory first. We suggest looking into StarTran Realtime Theory. Welcome to SimplySteno Plus! It's the same structure, guidance, quality and value you're used to getting with the SimplySteno program, with a high-tech twist! As a SimplySteno student, you'll have access to your structured daily lessons, audio files, finger drills and academics, as always. But you'll also have:

An Audio Library with over 1,000 hours of literary, jury charge and 2-voice dictation.

100% human voices - no "voice-to-text" used.

A Video Library with over 400 hours of 4-voice and true-life dictation.

A Turbo Test feature that lets you test yourself, in addition to the tests we schedule for you.

The Tuition Tracker lets you organize and track your payment schedule.

The Brief Machine, with over 160,000 briefs at your fingertips.

The SimplySteno Flashcard system, designed specifically for court reporting.

And much more. As the court reporting world evolves, so does SimplySteno. Our new program embraces the new technology, while retaining the intimacy of a smaller program. You'll still get personal attention and feedback. That will never change. We encourage you to check out our recent testimonials below. Let's get started! If you would like a personal tour of SimplySteno Plus, just drop me an email at, or call me at (818) 642-9331.

Marc Greenberg SimplySteno

Recent Testimonials

Since starting the Simply Steno program, my confidence, accuracy, and speed have all increased. Marc is supportive and intelligent and seems to be genuinely interested in the success of his students. And, why not?? That just proves how successful his program is! SS cuts out all the time wasters and really zeroes in on what is going to help you finish the program in a timely manner. I'm looking forward to climbing the speed ladder and passing my RPR. And I know that Marc and his program are the keys to me reaching my goals. Thanks so much for such an outstanding program!

Dani Oates Florida

I've never been in a program more dedicated to the needs, fears and aspirations of court reporting students.

Betty Kaplan New York

Simply Steno Plus rocks! Why? So many reasons. Affordable tuition, great accountability and the connection with teachers. You get personal attention to work out computer problems, etc. Great dictations with a variety of material. Everything is in one place. Social networking is provided with other court reporters and students. Convenience. No need to drive back and forth to wherever, saving time and gas. A great academic review if that is what you need. I am just thrilled with finding this program, as I live in an area where there are no schools. I was out of student loan money and this is affordable. You can do this if you work the program according to the daily structured assignments. I am very happy to give my testimonial for Marc and Sophie and their program. It has given hope to this once hopeless, used-to-be-a-drop-out court reporting student who didn't know where to go or what to do. Now, I have a clear direction. My goal is the RPR, and I have a clear road to get there via Simply Steno Plus. I feel confident that I can achieve my goal of passing the RPR and will eventually get my license here in Texas.

Lois Parks Texas

I like the Simply Steno program because it gives you well-rounded, focused practice: finger drills, speedbuilding, and dictionary building. Doing it at home gives you a chance to think about your practice and spend more time on the things you need to. It also addresses the more personal side of court reporting helping you perform at an optimal level. Brick and mortar school is not for everybody. This is like having one-on-one instruction, like Marc is there every step of the way.

Sharon Tilden New York

I was feeling like I needed a "pick-me-up" with my practice routines. Between working full time and going to school full time, I really didn't know what to practice to and set aside the necessary time to practice. One day, I came across SimplySteno, and it has been the confidence booster that I was looking for. The program offers harder dictation, feedback, and I look forward to having something structured to practice to everyday. I am doing much better in school and passing tests since I started!

Jessica Z. Florida