court reporting
Free Practice Dictations - Jobs
Conversations you may overhear and discuss about jobs.

The free dictations you will hear in the following sections are NOT dictations used as part of the SimplySteno program. Although these dictations are of good quality, the SimplySteno dictations are MUCH better.

The bulk of these dictations are NOT timed. They were recorded more for word simplicity rather than speed. So some may be at 60-80 wmp, while others may be at 160-180. Some are short and some are long. They are not labeled as such, so just enjoy them as you're able.

We will be adding new free dictation pages every few weeks, so keep checking back.

Marc - SimplySteno

Useful Links!

StenoWatchdog - Reviews on hundreds of steno items and services.


SimplySteno Flashcards - A unique flashcard system designed specifically for court reporting.


StenoTube - What happens when YouTube and court reporting collide?


Court Reporting Insider - Daily news articles and stories related to the field of court reporting.


StenoLife - A court reporting community of over 10,000 members with practice dictation, The Brief Machine and more.